Frequently Asked Question

Automically Login for Wifi
Last Updated 3 months ago

Lawson_Faculty is for school-owned devices.
Lawson_Guest has a greater level of filtering
Lawson_BYOD is for any personal devices, and will be used to connect the school iPads, as well.

To get the right filtering without needing to login each time, follow these instructions:


  1. Go into Settings->Wifi
  2. Forget the Faculty and/or Guest. Connect to Lawson_BYOD.
  3. Enter username and password (Computer login). Trust certificate.
  4. Basically, this:

Android (or Chromebooks):

  1. Go into Settings->Wifi
  2. Forget the Faculty and/or Guest. Connect to Lawson_BYOD.
  3. Enter username under Identity and password under password.
  4. On newer versions of Android, under CA Certificate select "Don't Validate".
  5. If a Chromebook, (Make sure PEAP is selected and not LEAP).
  6. Basically, this:

On an Android Device that REQUIRES a certificate:

Download this file

Go to Settings and search for "certificates"
Select CA Certificate, then Install Anyway and give it a name if prompted
Go to Settings->Wifi
Forget the Faculty and/or Guest. Connect to Lawson_BYOD.
Enter username under Identity and password under Password.
For CA certificate, select "Use system certificates"
Domain should be:

For laptop or Windows devices, it's a similar process:

1. Click on Network/Wifi icon in System Tray
2. Click on Lawson_BYOD
3. Enter username and password as you would on a school computer. (Not email address)
4. Click Connect and continue through any other prompts.

Fortinet Certificate:

Download this file


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